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Ethical Trading & Modern Day Slavery Policy

Ethical Trading Policy

Forward Role ensures that it only purchases goods that are produced and delivered under conditions that do not involve the abuse or exploitation of any persons, and that such goods and services provided have the least negative impact on the environment. These considerations will be a part of the evaluation and selection criteria for all goods purchased and services provided.

The purpose of the policy is to:

  • Promote good labour and ethical standards in the supply chains of goods andservices

  • Promote and raise awareness of fair and ethical trading among employees andsuppliers

  • Be a purchaser of fair and ethically traded goods andservices

  • Meet all requirements of current legislation where applicable

Suppliers adopting this Code of Conduct (ETI Base Code) should commit to continuous
improvement towards compliance with the labour and environmental standards specified, both in
their own companies and those of their suppliers.

Labour Standards

  • Employment is freely chosen

  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected

  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic

  • Child Labour shall not be used

  • Living wages are paid

  • Working hours are not excessive

  • No discrimination is organisation 8 Regular employment is provided

  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

Environmental Standards

Suppliers should as a minimum comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to
the environmental impacts of their business. Detailed performance standards are a matter for
suppliers, but should address at least the following:

  • Waste Management and recycling Waste is minimized, materials are reused where possible, items and goods/ products made from recycled materials are produced where this is practicable

  • Pollution Air, water and land pollution are minimised

  • Conservation Processes and activities are monitored and modified as necessary to ensure conservation of scarce resources, including water, plants & animals and landforms

  • Energy Use Minimising contribution to global warming and other environment impacts of energy use, by reducing the consumption of energy and energy efficiency.

Business Behaviour

It is expected that the supplier has, or is working toward having, statements and policies on
the following topics:

  • Health & safety

  • Quality

  • Equal opportunities

  • Training & development

  • Ethical standards

  • Diversity

  • Environmental management

  • Social objectives

  • Legislative requirements

Operating principles

The implementation of this Code of Conduct for Suppliers will be a shared responsibility between
Forward Role and its suppliers, informed by a number of operating principles, which will be reviewed
from time to time.

Forward Role Agrees to:

  • Communicate its commitment to the Code of Conduct to employees as well as to all
    suppliers of goods.

  • Provide training and guidelines for relevant personnel.

  • Adopt appropriate methods and systems for monitoring and verifying the achievement of the standards.

Forward Role expects suppliers to:

  • Accept responsibility for labour and environmental conditions under which products are made in all circumstances.

  • Make a written Statement of Intent regarding the company’s policy in relation to the Code of Conduct and how it will be implemented, and communicate this to staff and suppliers as well as to Forward Role

Both parties will:
Abide by the principles of the Code of Conduct whenever possible and always when within the capabilities of the organisation.


Modern Day Slavery Policy


Forward Role Modern Day Slavery Statement

Forward Role is not just a recruitment company - we’re an integral part of the marketing, digital and technology scene, our employees are genuine industry experts who care passionately about delivering for their clients and candidates, we create opportunities to change lives. We are therefore fully committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within our business and the supply chain.

We make clear that we expect our own people and everyone employed by our suppliers, whether permanent or temporary, to follow our Employee and Supplier Code of Conduct by treating everybody with respect and dignity at work and we believe employment should always be chosen. There must be no forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Employees must not be required to lodge monies or identity papers to be able to work and must be free to leave employment after the giving of reasonable notice.

By publishing this statement, we are showing the actions we have taken to mitigate modern slavery within our supply chain and the steps we intend to take.

Brian Johnson - Managing Director


Our Supply Chain

As a provider of recruitment services, our supply chain is relatively simple in comparison to many other industries.

We work with a small range of suppliers who provide services across a number of different categories, such as property and facilities management, IT and telecoms, marketing, legal and other services. Therefore, we have close relationships with our suppliers and good visibility of our supply chain.

Risk and Compliance

As our business is focused on the provision of recruitment services in respect of professional workers (rather than in relation to agriculture, retail or manufacturing, which are sectors that perceive to present a higher risk of labour exploitation and modern slavery), we do not consider that we operate in a particularly high risk sector. This evaluation process will continue to be reviewed as the business grows.

The nature and extent of the Company’s exposure to the risk of modern slavery occurring in the supply chain is assessed through an Internal Audit Function.

Our Policy on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Our Employees & Suppliers are required to comply with our Code of Conduct.

These policies show our commitment to acting ethically in our business dealings and relationships, implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business and supply chain.

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

Forward Role prohibits the use of all forms of forced labour and any form of human trafficking as set out in our Code of Conduct. We have a number of procedures in place in relation to our employees to proactively manage any risk, including robust recruitment processes in line with employment laws. Our employees all have access to private healthcare which includes a confidential helpline where they can report any issues they are facing.

As a business, we supply temporary/contract personnel to a number of clients. We take our obligations seriously in this respect and have well established and audited procedures to ensure that those temporary workers are protected from the risks of modern slavery. We ensure that temporary workers:

  • Have a right to work the duration of their assignment. This involves asking the individual directly to view their relevant identity documentation. If we find a delay or resistance in providing proof of identity and/or associated right to work documentation, this might indicate a modern slavery issue and would be escalated appropriately;

  • We take relevant references to ensure the individual is hired in a role that they have both the qualifications and experience to undertake the role;

  • Where required, we carry out background checks and ensure all contracts comply with all legal requirements regarding workers’ rights;

  • We check that such temporary personnel have a bank account in their own name into which their remuneration is paid, we will not pay remuneration to an account in a different name ;

  • We make our temporary personnel aware that while they are on assignment on our client’s premises, they are always free to leave their assignment; and

  • They receive compliant pay as determined by the Agency Workers Regulations 2011.

In addition, our employees are aware to support and uphold human rights principles and know that Forward Role will not tolerate, engage in or support the use of, forced labour.

Our Supply Chain

We map and assess our suppliers who provide goods and services directly to our business. We include due diligence queries to identify our potential suppliers’ approach to modern slavery and these assist in our determination of whether the supplier should be considered a suitable supplier.

If we were to find evidence that one of our suppliers has failed to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 then we would give the relevant supplier the opportunity to remedy such non-compliance, failing that, we would terminate our relationship with the supplier.

This approach is designed to:

  • Identify and assess potential risk areas in our UK supply chain;

  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in the supply chain;

  • Monitor potential risk areas in the supply chain; and

  • Provide adequate protection to whistle blowers.

Guidance, training and support on modern slavery matters is also provided to the all employees to help identify any modern slavery issues.

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